Thursday, June 21, 2007

We made it!

Gosh, this FML is hard! We find time to exercise every day, get 8 hours of sleep, cook with non-processed foods, and even work on the house occasionally, but cannot figure out the method for adding in that weekly trip to the Farmer's Market or alternative food providers.

Yesterday was our second attempt in as many months. We went to the People's Co-op in Ladds Addition (the 'hood where we looked at that house, mom), where the weekly neighborhood farmer's market and an annual Solstice Celebration was happenin'. There was strawberry tasting, raw food demos, great music, and lots of hippies (so this is where they hang out - on Wed. nights). We didn't get anything from the vendors outside, mostly because they were out of everything but the obscure stuff - lemongrass, pea sprouts (mmm!), wheat grass -- a probiotic wet dream. But we did go into the Co-op and find a couple things.
Anyway, here's our take:

  • Dave's Killer Bread - love the grains in it; can't even ID all of them!
  • Yumm Sauce - a U Oregon favorite. We've been told that we must try this sauce. It's from the Eugene students' favorite affordable restaurant, so a nostalgia trip-in-a-jar. We forgot to ask our friends what it's for.
I know, pathetic take-home. Next time we'll make a list.

1 comment:

101 S. Marion Avenue said...

So what's the verdict on the Yumm Sauce? Have you tried it on anything more substantial than your fingertip?