Thursday, May 3, 2007

Take the "Asparagus Challenge"

Do you have what it takes to become the asparagus champion? Send us your recipes by posting a comment, and let us know just how good your top-secret-in-the-family-for-generations-recipe is!

We dare you!


101 S. Marion Avenue said...

Just warming up ~ this recipe uses only one ingredient from the garden, but later in the month we can make it again with locally produced foods.

Asparagus Potato Salad

101 S. Marion Avenue said...
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101 S. Marion Avenue said...

This is from yesterday when I was trying to think creatively and locally. I had asparagus and spinach from the garden; the rest of the ingredients were things I had on hand, but which came from the big guys. Still, I found it to be delicious, and will make it again with more local ingredients.

Oh course, the bread can be anything you like, and so can the cheese.

Asparagus Sandwich

The recipe for Mondo Bizzaro Sauce can be found at the Potomac Vegetable Farm link, in their recipe section, or just Google for it.

John said...

No Fault Hollendaise Sauce

In 1970 when I got my first bachelor pad, my mother decided that I would need a set of survival recipes and this was among those must-have recipes. She believed that if you burned the potatoes you served another drink - if it doesn't look just right cover it with Hollendaise.

In a small sauce pan melt 1/4 pound of oleo or butter. Remove from hewat and add juice of 1/2 lemon or 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp hot water and tyhe yolks of 3 eggs and stir with whisk or wooden spoon. Put back on heat (med) and stir continuously until the consistaency that you want. It too thin add another egg yolk, if too thick add another tbsp of hot water. It it curdles stir a bit more and all will be well.